Have you felt the frustration of unpredictable results from your TMJ and restorative cases? Or have struggled to empower your team? Or want to increase comprehensive case acceptance in your practice?

Combining a tried-and-true, common sense outlook with an infectious passion for optimum dentistry, Dr. Jesek will excite, motivate and inspire—as well as challenge—dentists to a higher level of excellence. Dr. Jesek’s core message revolves around comprehensive care for the entire family and a systematic method to deliver excellence with consistency.
Dr. Jesek graduated with his dental degree from Loyola University Dental School. He continued his dental training at The Pankey Institute for Advanced Education and has been a teaching assistant in their TMJ dissection course. Additionally, Dr. Jesek earned his mastership with the Academy of General Dentistry.
His articles have been published in Dentistry Today, Dental Economics, the Pankeygram, and the American Equilibration Society’s Contact. He has presented at national meetings for the Academy of General Dentistry, the American Equilibration Society, the American Dental Association, the American Academy of Pain Management and Chicago Dental Society Midwinter Meeting. Seminar attendees appreciate his passionate, easy to understand approach and his teaching style, which enables deep learning and provides tools they can use when they get back to the office Monday morning.
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